264 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised September 2008
OPERANDS The following operands are supported:
Specifies domainadm, domainmgr, or domainop privileges for a specific
domain or domains.
The following are valid values for domainprivilege, each of which must be
used with @domains:
domainadm Can perform all operations and view status on the
hardware assigned to the domains on which this
privilege is held (assign, unassign, power, and so on).
Can perform all operations on domains on which this
privilege is held. Can view all states of domains on
which this privilege is held.
domainmgr Can reboot and power on and off all domains on which
this privilege is held. Can view all states of all hardware
assigned to the domains on which this privilege is held.
Can view all states of domains on which this privilege is
domainop Can view all states of all the hardware assigned to the
domains on which this privilege is held. Can view all
states of all domains on which this privilege is held.
domains Specifies a domain or domains, using the appropriate
value for domainprivilege with the @ symbol and the
domains descriptor:
To specify a single domain, use the @ symbol followed
by a single domain number. Example: domainadm@3.
To specify a range of domains, use a "–" to indicate to
start and end of the domains in the range, inclusive.
Example: domainadm@3–4.
To specify multiple single domains and multiple domain
ranges, separate the domains or domain ranges with
commas. Do not repeat domains or cause them to
overlap or an error will result. Example: domainadm@1–