94 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised April 2010
EXAMPLE 3 Display all External I/O Expansion Units or downlink card paths
In this example the list command is used to display the connections between
External I/O Expansion Units and downlink cards in the host. IOX@0033 (which
includes boats, uplink cards, and power supplies) is connected to the host through
two downlink cards. The Link 0 column shows which host downlink card is
attached to boat0. The Link 1 column shows which host downlink card is
attached to boat1. IOX@12B4 is connected to the host through one downlink card.
This card is connected to boat1. A "–" shows that there is no host link connection
to the box. It may have a boat and uplink card installed in the bay, or the bay could
be empty. If the boat is installed, either it is not connected to the host, or the host
downlink card slot is powered off.
EXAMPLE 4 Display a single External I/O Expansion Unit
EXAMPLE 5 Display a card using host_path in verbose mode with headers suppressed
EXAMPLE 6 Show runtime of card with ESM
XSCF> ioxadm list
IOX Link 0 Link 1
IOX@0033 IOU#1-PCI#4 IOU#1-PCI#1
IOX@12B4 - IOU#1-PCI#2
- IOU#2-PCI#1
XSCF> ioxadm list iox@12B4
IOX Link 0 Link 1
IOX@12B4 - IOU#1-PCI#2
XSCF> ioxadm -p -v list IOU#0-PCI#1
IOU#0-PCI#1 F20 - 000004 5111500-01 On
XSCF> ioxadm lifetime IOU#0-PCI#1
NAC Total Time On (% of life)
IOU#0-PCI#1 1052370 100