208 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised April 2010
OPERANDS The following operands are supported:
■The following situations result in an error by the applynetwork(8) command:
■Both host name and domain name are not set.
■On M8000/M9000 servers, the host name is not set to both xscf#0 and xscf#1.
■The total number of characters of the DNS domain name that you set by using
the sethostname(8) command and the search path that you set by using the
setnameserver(8) command exceeds 256.
■To apply the host name and the DNS domain name to XSCF, execute the
applynetwork(8) command. Then, use the rebootxscf(8) command to reset
XSCF to make the changes to the XSCF permanent.
■The currently set host name and DNS domain name of the XSCF unit can be
checked by using the shownetwork(8) command.
EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 Sets the host name scf0-hostname for XSCF unit 0.
EXAMPLE 2 Sets the DNS domain name example.com for XSCF unit.
EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned:
hostname Specifies a host name to be set for the XSCF unit. The hostname is
specified in up to 64 characters, not in Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN) but in an abbreviated form. If a host name
exceeding 64 characters is specified, an error occurs.
Alphanumeric character and "-" can be used. However, a host
name must always begin with an alphabetic character and end
with an alphanumeric character. If "localhost" specified, an
error occurs.
xscfu Specifies the name of the XSCF unit to be set. The following
values can be specified, depending on the system configuration.
If no value is specified, an error occurs.
xscf#0 XSCF unit 0
xscf#1 XSCF unit 1 (In M8000/M9000 servers)
XSCF> sethostname xscf#0 scf0-hostname
XSCF> sethostname -d example.com
0Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.