System Administration 349
EXAMPLES Users with platform administrator privileges can view both resource and domain
usage summaries. Users with domain administrator privileges can view only the
domain usage summaries for which they have privileges, and a report of unused
EXAMPLE 1 Displaying COD Usage by Resource
EXAMPLE 2 Displaying COD Usage by Domain
EXAMPLE 3 Displaying COD Usage by Resource and Domain: M8000 Server With CMU00
Installed Specifies the number of COD CPU resources installed in the
Reserved Specifies the number of COD permits allocated to the domain.
Status Contains one of the following when the -v option is specified:
COD Permitted
The domain COD CPU has a
COD permit and is in use.
Not COD Permitted
A COD permit for the domain
COD CPU could not be
obtained and it is not in use.
Unused The COD CPU is not in use.
XSCF> showcodusage -p resource
Resource In Use Installed COD Permitted Status
-------- ------ --------- ------------- ------
PROC 4 4 16 OK: 12 available
XSCF> showcodusage -p domains
Domain/Resource In Use Installed Reserved
--------------- ------ --------- --------
0 - PROC 4 4 0
1 - PROC 4 4 0
2 - PROC 4 4 0
3 - PROC 4 4 0
4 - PROC 0 0 0
Unused - PROC 0 0 12