System Administration 149
NAME setad - configure Active Directory
SYNOPSIS setad enable|disable
setad loadcert [[-q] -{y|n}] [-i n] [-u username] [-p proxy [-t proxy_type]]
setad loadcert [[-q] -{y|n}] [-i n] console
setad rmcert [[-q] -{y|n}] [-i n]
setad group administrator -i n name [ groupname]
setad group operator -i n name [ groupname]
setad group custom -i n name [ groupname]
setad group custom -i n roles [ privileges]
setad userdomain -i n [ domainname ]
setad defaultrole [ privileges]
setad timeout seconds
setad server [-i n] [ ipaddr [: port]]
setad logdetail none|high|medium|low|trace
setad log [[-q] -{y|n}] clear
setad dnslocatormode|expsearchmode|strictcertmode enable|disable
setad dnslocatorquery -i n [ service ]
setad default [[-q] -{y|n}]]
setad -h
DESCRIPTION setad(8) configures Active Directory. To simply enable or disable Active Directory,
execute the command with only those operands. To enable or disable an Active
Directory mode, such as dnslocatormode, specify the mode along with enable or
To clear or unset a property, issue a setad command with no value for the
operand. For example, setad group custom -i 1 name clears the name
property from custom group 1. If a property is not set, it is displayed with no value.
Privileges You m ust h ave useradm privileges to run this command.
Refer to setprivileges(8) for more information.