System Administration 307
■You cannot specify the years of validity for time zone and Daylight Saving Time.
In case the Daylight Saving Time is changed each year, you need to set anew by
using the settimezone(8) command.
■When Daylight Saving Time has been set, XSCF is not affected by the time zone.
■The setting of Daylight Saving Time using "-c adddst" results in an error in case
the starting time and the termination time are set as follows:
■Using the Jn or n format, and the period between the start and the termination
is less than two weeks
■Using the Mm.w.d format, starts and terminates in the same month, and the
period between the start and the termination is less than two weeks
-t date [/time] Specifies the termination time of Daylight Saving Time. It should
be specified in the same format as date in the -f option. You can
specify date in any of the following formats.
Mm: Specifies the month to terminate Daylight Saving Time.
For m, you can specify any integer from 1 to 12.
w: Specifies the week to terminate Daylight Saving Time. You
can specify the integer from 1 to 5, "1" for the first week and
"5" for the last week in the month.
d: Specifies the day of the week to terminate Daylight Saving
Time. You can specify the integer from 0 to 6, "0" for Sunday
and "6" for Saturday.
Jn: Specifies the sequential day in the year to terminate
Daylight Saving Time. You can specify the integer from 1 to
365, "1" for January 1st. It does not count the leap-year day. If
you specified 365, it corresponds to December 31st even in a
leap year.
n: Specifies the sequential day in the year to terminate
Daylight Saving Time. You can specify the integer from 1 to
365, "1" for January 2nd. It counts the leap-year day.
In time, you specify the time. You can specify it in the following
hh:mm:ss Specifies the time in "hh:mm:ss" format. hh is
00–23, mm is 00–59, ss is 00–60. In case
omitted, "02:00:00."