Communication settings

For communication setting, use the OPTION - SERVICE - COMMUNICATION
menu. (OPTION menu - SERVICE - COMMUNICATION in the User's Manual
- Operating Guide)
Item Condition
BAUD RATE 4800bps / 9600bps / 19200bps / 38400bps
Data length 8 bit (xed)
Start bit 1 bit (xed)
Stop bit 1 bit (xed)
Transmission method HALF-DUPLEX/FULL-DUPLEX
NOTE For connecting the projector to your devices, please read the
manual for each devices, and connect them correctly with suitable cables.
Turn off (the power of ) both the projector and other devices and unplug ,
beore connecting them.
For details of Transmission method, refer to 6.4 Transmission method
- Network Guide.
Network Bridge Communication (continued)