Command Control via the Network (continued)

Command control settings

[TCP #23]

1. Command format

Same as RS-232C communication, refer to RS-232C Communicaton command format.

2. Response code / Error code ("h" shows hexadecimal)

Four of the response / error code used for TCP#23 are the same as RS-232C
Communication (1)~(4). One authentication error reply (5) is added.
(1)ACK reply : 06h
Refer to RS-232C communication (10).
(2) NAK reply : 15h
Refer to RS-232C communication (10).
(3) Error reply : 1Ch + 0000h
Refer to RS-232C communication (10).
(4) Data reply : 1Dh + xxxxh
Refer to RS-232C communication (10).
(5)Authentication error reply : 1Fh + 0400h
When authentication error occurred, the projector returns the error code.

[TCP #9715]

1. Command format

The commands some datum are added to the head and the end of the ones of
TCP#9715 are used.
Header Data length RS-232C command Check sum Connection ID
0×02 0×0D 13 bytes 1 byte 1 byte
02, Fixed
[Data Length]
RS-232C commands byte length (0×0D, Fixed)
[RS-232C commands]
Refer to RS-232C Communication command format (9).
[Check Sum]
This is the value to make zero on the addition of the lower 8 bits from the header
to the checksum.
[Connection ID]
Random value from 0 to 255 (This value is attached to the reply data).
NOTE • Operation cannot be guaranteed when the projector receives an
undened command or data.
• Provide an interval of at least 40ms between the response code and any other
• Commands are not accepted during warm-up.