initializes the Application Recovery Manager internal database (IDB). It can only be run on the Cell Manager.
omnidbinit -version -help omnidbinit [-force]
The omnidbinit command initializes the Application Recovery Manager internal database (IDB). All information about sessions, media and objects is lost after the initialization. The command does not delete IDB transaction logs. The command creates a gap in the sequence of IDB transaction logs; when a roll forward operation is performed using the omnidbrestore command, the operation applies only the transaction logs created before the initialization of the IDB.
The IDB directory structure has to exist in order to initialize the IDB successfully. You can
Displays the version of the omnidbinit command
Displays the usage synopsis for the omnidbinit command
Overrides the default safety check for the initialization. By default, the command displays a confirmation request. With this option, there is no confirmation request.
The command can only be used locally on the Cell Manager.
Command line interface reference | 111 |