/var/opt/omni/tmp directory on the backup host to hold the copy of the raw logical volume.


The following names are used in the examples below:

database name: oracl

Oracle Server home directory: app10g/oracle10g/product/10.1.0

primary user name: system

primary password: manager

primary net service name 1: netservice1

primary net service name 2: netservice2

1.The following example illustrates the configuration on HP-UX of an Oracle database:

/opt/omni/lbin/util_oracle8.pl -config -dbname oracl

-orahome app10g/oracle10g/product/10.1.0 -prmuser system -prmpasswd manager -prmservice netservice1,netservice2

2.The following example illustrates how to check if an Oracle database is properly configured for ZDB in a Windows environment:

perl -I..\lib\perl util_oracle8.pl -chkconf_smb -dbname oracl -bkphost bcksys



Command line interface reference


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HP Application Recovery Manager Cell Manager Windows Media Kit manual