backs up and restores the Application Recovery Manager IDB and configuration.
perl dbtool.pl
perl dbtool.pl
perl dbtool.pl
perl dbtool.pl -list
NOTE: It is assumed that the perl command is in the search path list for commands (defined by the environment variable PATH). If not, specify the full pathname.
On Windows systems, you must use the perl command to run util_oracle8.pl. For example:
perl -I..\lib\perl dbtool.pl -help
Before you can start a backup session, you must configure the backup location, size limits, and the timeout.
During backup, the command waits until running sessions complete and stops the Application Recovery Manager services. All IDB and configuration files are then packed and stored in a single backup file. After the backup finishes, the services are started again.
During restore, the command waits until running sessions complete and stops the Application Recovery Manager services. The IDB and configuration are restored from the backup location and the services are started again.
Displays the version of the dbtool.pl command.
Command line interface reference | 95 |