Chapter 2

To enter text using the visual keyboard

1.To select a letter, number, or symbol in the visual keyboard, press , , , and to highlight the appropriate selection.

To enter lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols

To enter lowercase letters, select the abc button on the visual keyboard, and then press OK.

To enter uppercase letters, select the ABC button on the visual keyboard, and then press OK.

To enter numbers, select the 123 button on the visual keyboard, and then press OK.

To enter symbols, select the .@! button on the visual keyboard, and then press OK.

2.After you highlight the appropriate letter, number, or symbol, press OK on the control panel to select it.

The selection appears on the display.

TIP: To erase a letter, number, or symbol, select Clear on the visual keyboard, and then press OK.

3.When you are finished entering text, numbers, or symbols, select Done on the visual keyboard, and then press OK.

Available symbols for dialing fax numbers

To enter a symbol, such as *, press Symbols repeatedly to scroll through the list of symbols. The following table provides the symbols that you can use in a fax or phone number sequence, fax header information, and speed dial entries.




Available when entering











Displays an asterisk symbol when

Fax header name, speed dial



required for dialing.

names, speed dial numbers, fax or




phone numbers, and monitor dial









When auto-dialing, the HP All-in-One

Fax header name, fax header



enters a pause in the number sequence.

number, speed dial names, speed




dial numbers, and fax or phone










( )

Displays a left or right parenthesis to

Fax header name, fax header



separate numbers, such as area codes,

number, speed dial names, speed



for easier reading. These symbols do not

dial numbers, and fax or phone



affect dialing.








When auto-dialing, W causes the HP All-

Speed dial numbers and fax or



in-One to wait for a dial tone before

phone numbers



continuing to dial.








During auto-dialing, the R functions the

Speed dial numbers and fax or



same as a Flash button on your telephone.

phone numbers

20 HP All-in-One overview