Removing the Media ￿X*Axis￿ Motor


Remove the electronics)enclosure

7 Disconnect the media)motor cable from


cover  page 6)5.

the main PCA (connector labeled X) and



from the uppermost ferrite holder on the


Remove the window  page 6)15.

right)hand side of the plotter.

￿Remove the center cover  page 6)16.

4Remove the right endcover  page 6)19.

5Remove the front)panel assembly  page 6)32.

￿Remove the carriage motor  page 6)35.





9 Remove the drive)roller gear from the

drive)roller shaft.



The gear may be stiff t￿ rem￿ve￿

In the following steps￿ take care not to cut yourself on the encoder strip￿

8Remove the two screws that secure the drive)roller gear to the drive)roller shaft.


Reassembling: Push the gear ￿nt￿ the shaft as far as it will g￿￿ Align the h￿les ￿n the gear with the h￿les ￿n the shaft￿


Removal￿and￿Replacement 6)37￿