HP DesignJet 200 and HP DesignJet 220 plotters are large<format, monochrome, ink<jet plotters that provide hardcopy output of computer program data.
Large<format plots of high resolution and quality are generated for applications such as
DComputer<aided design (CAD)
DComputer<aided manufacturing (CAM)
DMechanical and architectural drawings
DGeneral drafting
Graphic Languages
The plotters accept drawing data from CAD software programs supporting the following languages:
DHewlett<Packard Graphics Language (HP<GL), a vector language
DHP<GL/2, an enhanced version of HP<GL
DHewlett<Packard Raster Transfer Language (HP<RTL), a raster language
DPrinter Job Language (PJL)
The plotters support HP<GL/2 with both the Japanese Kanji and the Roman character sets.
The plotters operate with a number of computer systems and graphic terminals, using either RS<232<C or Centronics/Bi<Tronics interfaces. (More ' chapter 5, w Input/Output Interfaces.)
Network Connections
Customers can connect their plotters to a network through an optional HP JetDirect EX external network interface. The following network operating systems are then supported:
DNovell Netware (Ethernet and Token Ring networks)
DLAN Manager (Ethernet and Token Ring networks)
DTCP/IP (Ethernet networks only)
DApple Ethertalk (Ethernet networks only)
The plotters have a standard 2 megabytes of on<board random access memory (RAM). They also have one RAM<expansion socket, which can hold an optional 2<megabyte, 4<megabyte or 8<megabyte, single in<line memory module (SIMM). The maximum RAM is therefore 10 MB.
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