ac9Alternating current
accuracy calibration9X:axis calibration
A/D9Analog to Digital converter
addressable dpi9A resolution higher than the nominal value of the cartridges, giving a finer grid on which the plotter can selectively position dots and improve print quality.
ANSI9American National Standards Institute
ASCII9American Standard Code for Information Interchange. An 8:bit code that uses 7 bits to represent character data such as letters, punctuation, symbols, and control characters. Bit 8 can be used for parity.
ASIC9Application:Specific Integrated Circuit
baud rate9For the RS:232:C interface, the data transmission rate between the computer and the plotter (bits per second).
Bi*Tronics9A parallel interface standard.
CAD9Computer:Aided Design
CAM9Computer:Aided Manufacturing
carriage LED9Line sensor
cartridge9Print cartridge (pen)
CD9Check Digit
Centronics9A parallel interface standard.
cockle9Wrinkling of media due to ink saturation.
CRC9Cyclic Redundancy Check
D/A1*size plotters9Models C3180A and C3187A
dc9Direct current
display data9Monitor mode
DIP9Dual In:line Package
dpi9Dots per inch, the plotter's resolution of raster images on the media.
DRAM9Dynamic Random:Access Memory
driver9Configuration data used by software to control input and output between the computer and the plotter.
drive roller9Platen roller
DTR9Data:Terminal Read
E/A0*size plotters9Models C3181A and C3188A
EPROM9Erasable Programmable Read:Only Memory
EEROM9Electrically Erasable Read:Only Memory
EPROM9Erasable Programmable Read:Only Memory
ESD9Electrostatic discharge
FET9Field:Effect Transistor
HP*GL/29Hewlett:Packard's standard graphics language for its plotters.
HP*RTL9Hewlett:Packard Raster Transfer Language
G:2 Glossary | C3187:90000 |