If you are installing a new PCA, perform the following extra steps:

8Remove the original EPROMs or masked ROMs from their sockets, and install them on the new PCA.

The original PCA contains ￿￿th￿r four EPROMs or two masked ROMs. The EPROMs each have one pair of pins less than the masked ROMs; if you are installing EPROMs, leave the rightmost pair of holes empty in each socket.


U28 U29

U9 U4

Empty pair of holes

Masked ROMs

U28 U29











(Part numbers  chapter 10.)

9If a SIMM is installed on the original PCA, remove it and install it on the new PCA.

C￿￿￿￿r￿t￿ons: After having installed a new main PCA, perform the following calibrations in the given order (Details  chapter 7):

1.Bail calibration

2.Media/sensor calibration

3.Cartridge alignment

4.Accuracy calibration

5.Setup/sheet calibration


Removal￿and￿Replacement 6+11￿