Removing the Stepper Motor

1Remove the electronics4enclosure cover ' page 645.

2 Remove the window ' page 6415.

3Remove the center cover ' page 6416.

4Remove the left endcover ' page 6418.

5Open the flexible, •DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE," insulation cover.

Carefully flex the cover to open ￿t￿ Do not detach the cover from the plotter￿

6Disconnect the stepper4motor cable connector from the main PCA and the holding clip.

7Remove the bottom shoulder screw on the cartridge4adjust linkage, and lower the lever arm below the stepper motor.


Stepper-motor connector

￿￿￿￿￿￿m￿￿￿n￿: Rest the bottom arm of the l￿nkage on top of the stepper￿motor shaft￿


Removal￿and￿Replacement 6421￿