5. Rear Edge Measured

Drive roller slow speed outwards

Media inserted

Secondary flag

Leading edge of media

Primary flag



Photo sensor window

DMedia: pushes the primary flag

DPrimary flag: rotates 90° clockwise (active)

DSecondary flag: still in previous position (active)

DOptical sensor: optical path cleared by primary flag

DDriver roller: rotates slowly outwards...

DFront Panel: Load Media LED off, Busy LED on

DMedia Length Measurement: rear edge detected when primary flag clears the sensor

The rear edge's position is located when the primary flag, pushed by the rear media edge, clears the optical path.

￿ ￿ U T I O N

If you pull the media parallel to the plotter length, while attempting to


clear a media jam, you could break the flags.

Gripping the Media

Pinch ￿rms

When you load media, it is gripped by the pinch5arms. (Illustration ' page 10527.)

Pinch￿￿rm Sensor

The pinch5arm sensor is an optical sensor that is attached to the right side5plate. It is used to detect the position of the pinch5arm lever. Linkage, attaching the lever to a sensor flag, causes the flag to block and unblock the sensor as the pinch5arms are raised and lowered. The pinch5arm sensor is electrically connected to the main PCA.

556 Functional￿Overview
