Removing the Window Sensor

1Remove the electronics(enclosure cover  page 6(5.

2Remove the window  page 6(15.

3Remove the center cover  page 6(16.

4Remove the right endcover  page 6(19.

5Disconnect the window(sensor cable connector from the main PCA.

Window-sensor connector

6Carefully feed the window(sensor cable out from the electronics enclosure and from under the motor assemblies, unclipping it from the holding clips and ferrite.

The ferr￿te ho￿der opens from the top￿


￿￿￿￿￿￿m￿￿￿n￿: Pos￿t￿on the cab￿e correct￿y as ￿nd￿cated￿ Incorrect pos￿t￿on￿ng cou￿d cause obstruct￿on of the cartr￿dge carr￿age or

Ferrite motor gears￿


6(24 Removal￿and￿Replacement
