5On the right side, loosen the cam'journal screw 12 turns counter'clockwise and push the screw in towards the center of the plotter.

C￿m￿jou￿￿￿l ￿c￿ew


C￿m jou￿￿￿l

Re￿￿ wi￿e li￿k

6Repeat the previous step and try to pull the cam journal and rear wire link to the right and clear of the bar cam.

I￿ unsucc￿ss￿ul, turn th￿ cam￿journal scr￿w two mor￿ turns count￿r￿clockwis￿, push th￿ scr￿w in towards th￿ c￿nt￿r o￿ th￿ plott￿r, and try again to pull th￿ journal and r￿ar wir￿ link to th￿ right and cl￿ar o￿ th￿ bar cam. R￿p￿at th￿s￿ actions until succ￿ss￿ul.

￿￿￿￿￿￿m￿￿￿n￿: B￿￿or￿ r￿installing th￿ cam journal, tight￿n th￿ nut and scr￿w just to th￿ point wh￿r￿ th￿ nut is insid￿ th￿ journal. R￿install th￿ journal and slightly tight￿n th￿ scr￿w.

Reassembling: Do not overtighten the cam'journal screw. Doing

C A U T I O N so could break the journal, cause the bar cam to enter the sideplate hole, and thus restrict the action of the pinch'arm lever.


Removal￿and￿Replacement 6'73￿