Configuring the Plotter

(Instructions ' User's Guide, chapter 2, w Reconfiguring the plotter.)

The User's Guide describes how to

DSwitch Interface Ports

DConfigure the following settings using a setup sheet :

-Language of demonstration plot and setup sheet

-Baud rate and parity of serial interface

-Graphics language

-HP:GL timeout period

-Plot orientation (rotate and mirror)

-Line merging

-Pen:palette settings (width and density)

An example of a setup sheet is given on the following page.

Verifying Plotter Operation

The plotters contain several types of internal operational checks and tests to ensure that the plotter is properly functioning and to help identify problems if any are detected.

Power￿On Self￿Tests

Whenever you switch the plotter on, it automatically performs a series of internal self:tests and mechanical initialization sequences. If a failure occurs, an error is indicated on the front:panel LEDs. You can perform a failure analysis by interpreting the LED error code. (Details ' chapter 8.)

Demonstration Plot

You can check proper plotter operation by plotting and examining the demonstration plot, which is resident in the plotters. This plot shows different plotter capabilities including pen line widths and shading. You can set the demonstration plot, to plot in any of the languages listed in the Language box of the setup sheet on the following page.

(Instructions' User's Guide, chapter 1, w Setting a language,

'User's Guide, chapter 1, w Plotting a demonstration plot.)


Installation￿and￿Configuration 3:7￿