New Bail<Lift<Mechanism Support


01 August 1994

Service Note:





HP DesignJet 200 C3180A & C3181A

Serial Numbers:

C3180A ESA0000000/ESA4507951


C3181A ESA0000000/ESA4508541

To Be Performed By: HP<Qualified Personnel

Parts Required: C2858<60209 Bail Mechanism Assembly


The bail features an automatic lift mechanism driven by the media motor using a series of gears and actuated by the carriage. The lift mechanism is composed of the engagement lever, cam gear, engagement gear, auto<cam and teflon washers.

When it is necessary to lift the bail, the carriage positions itself over the engaging lever, pressing it down (the lever is spring loaded). As the lever is pressed down, the gear cam and the engaging gear are connected to the left drive roller gear. Once connected, the driver roller rotates (via the Media<drive motor), causing the cam to rotate. As the cam rotates, it pushes against the left bail pivot, raising the bail.

The teflon washers are installed between the auto<cam and the side<plate to act as shims which reduce looseness between the different parts of the assembly. Typically the number of Teflon Washers to install on a DesignJet 200 is two. However problems can occur if the bail lift is too loose or too tight. In some cases, it may be necessary to install between 1 and 3, thus complicating the repair procedure.


A new solution has been introduced in order to improve the serviceability of the bail<lift mechanism and which avoids the use of teflon washers. The looseness of the mechanism is reduced by a new part, the cam<gear support. This part attaches to the Y<tensioner bracket and fits into the center of the cam gear preventing the movement of this gear during the engaging process.

A new lift<mechanism kit has been created that includes all the necessary parts to implement this new solution. The part number of the kit is C2858<60209. It is expected to be available at the beginning of September 1994.


Product￿History￿and￿Service￿Notes 9<11￿