13Lift the service(station sled clear of the service(station housing and the plotter.

14Move to the right side of the plotter. Pressing the small drive belt against the tensioner wheel to loosen the belt, slide the belt off of the motor gear; then carefully release your hand from the the tensioner wheel.

Double pulley


Tensioner wheel


Motor gear

Small drive belt

￿￿￿￿￿￿m￿￿￿n￿: En￿￿￿e ￿ha￿ ￿he bel￿ i￿ c￿￿￿ec￿ly ￿￿￿i￿i￿ned a￿￿￿nd ￿he ca￿￿iage￿ m￿￿￿￿ ￿haf￿ and ￿he l￿we￿ ￿a￿￿ ￿f ￿he d￿￿ble ￿￿lley￿

15Remove the screw and washer that attach the encoder(strip spring to the spring bracket.


Encoder-strip spring

6(50 Removal￿and￿Replacement
