Parameters Printed Below EEROM Text Block (Decimal Values)

Number of Power Cycles ￿Number of times plotter has been switched on.￿ Number of Pages Printed

Number of Bail Lifts

Number of Bail Errors

Number of System Errors

Last System Error

￿See System Errors earlier in this chapter for correspondence of numbers to errors.￿ Last System Error Data

Bail Up Position Offset ￿Calculated during bail calibration.￿

Bench Run ￿Whether the bench run has been performed or not.￿

Bench Run Maximum Y6Axis PWM ￿Y.axis = carriage axis.￿

Bench Run Maximum X6Axis PWM ￿X.axis = media axis.￿

Encoder Tests Maximum Y6Axis PWM

Encoder Tests Maximum X6Axis PWM

Last X6Axis Calibration ￿X.axis calibration = accuracy calibration￿

Factory Calibration Factor

￿This is the drive.roller correction factor, calculated during accuracy calibration.￿

Setup Sheet LED Calibration formula.

￿The values in the formula are calculated during the setup.sheet calibration.￿

Reading the EEROM Text Block

The contents of the EEROM integrated circuit are printed in hexadecimal form in a text block on the service configuration plot.

To read the EEROM text block, perform the following procedure:

￿Examine the EEROM memory map in Table 861 to find the memory address of the data you want to read.

￿Use the memory location key in Table￿862 to locate the position of the memory address on the service configuration plot.

￿Read the contents of the memory address from the service configuration plot.

Example: Searching for the media.sensor correction factor

1The EEROM memory map ￿Table 8.1￿ indicates that the memory address of the media.sensor correction factor is 1b.

2The memory location key ￿Table 8.2￿ indicates that address 1b is located in the second row from the top, in the fifth column from the right.

3On the sample EEROM text block ￿Table 8.3￿, address 1b contains the number 0. Therefore, in this case, the media.sensor correction factor is hexadecimal 0 ￿= decimal 0￿.

8626 Removal￿and￿Replacement
