Final mode, 173, 5714, 5715
firmware7code revision, 8711, 973 revision A.01.00, 977 revision A.01.01, 977 revision A.01.02, 978
flow of data, 5719
frequency, 272
front panel, 376
errors indicated on, 875 interface, 5727
part numbers, 10712 PCA, 5731
PCA and LED assembly, removing, 6734 removing, 6732
service mode, 773 technical information, 5731
functional overview, chapter 5
graphic languages, 172
gripping the media, 576
growth of drops, 5711
hard7clip limits. media, margins
height of plotter, 273
help cards, part numbers, 10712
history of product, chapter 9
HP JetDirect EX, 172 part numbers, 10729
HP7GL, 172 timeout, 377, 8716
HP7GL/2, 172, G72
HP7RTL, 172, G72
bug fixed, 978
humidity, 273
IC, G73
part number, 10718 main,
part number, 10714
initialization, 872 mechanical, 873
cartridges. cartridges smearing, 8716, 974
too much, 5714
input/output interfaces, 272, 5719, 5724 cables,
choosing, 272
part numbers, 10732 errors, 876, 877 networks, 172
part numbers, 10729 switching ports, 377 test,
description, 8718 performing, 8723
installing encoder strip, 6741 entry platen, 6767 EPROMs, 6711 legs and bin, 374 masked ROMs, 6711 media7sensor flags, 6728 memory module, 678 overdrive enclosure, 6763 plotter, 372, 376
teflon washers, 9710
insulator, power supply, part number, 1078
interconnections, PCA and sensor, 5722
interface, carriage7processor, 5727 front7panel, 5727
Index76 | C3187790000 |