Step 1540-17
The adapter or device is probably defective.
If the supplemental media is for an adapter, replace the FRUs in the following order:
2.Riser card
3.System board (see note 3 on page
If the supplemental media is for a device, replace the FRUs in the following order:
1.Device and any associated cables
2.The adapter the device is attached to.
Repeat this step until the defective FRU is identified or all the FRUs have been exchanged.
If the symptom did not change and all the FRUs have been exchanged, call your service support person for assistance.
If the symptom has changed, check for loose cards, cables, and obvious problems.
If you do not find a problem, return to “Step
Go to "MAP 0410: Repair Checkout " in theDiagnostics Information for Multiple Bus Systems.
Step 1540-18
Did you disconnect any external devices in Step 1540-2?
NO Go to “Step
YES Go to “Step
Chapter 2. Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) |