This is the result of running the example command only.
Display Test Patterns
This service aid provides a means of adjusting system display units by providing displayable test patterns. You can select the display type and test pattern. After you make the selections, the test pattern displays.
Download Microcode
This service aid provides a way to copy microcode to an adapter or device. The service aid presents a list of adapters and devices that use microcode. After the adapter or device is selected, you can check the current level and download the needed microcode.
This task can be run directly from the AIX command line. The following sections guide you for a particular type of adapter or device.
Download Microcode to PCI SCSI RAID Adapter
The syntax of the command for a PCI SCSI RAID Adapter is as follows: diag
Flag Description
Download Microcode to Disk Drive Attached to a PCI SCSI RAID Adapter
The syntax of the command for a disk drive attached to a PCI RAID Adapter is as follows: diag
Flag Description
Download Microcode to a PCI FC-AL Adapter
The syntax of the command for a PCI
Flag Description
The microcode image file must be in /etc/microcode.
13044P Series Model 170 User's Guide