OS Surveillance Setup Menu
1.Surveillance: Currently Enabled
2.Surveillance Time Interval: Currently 5 or Not Applicable
3.Surveillance Delay:
Currently 10 or Not Applicable
98.Return to Previous Menu v Surveillance
Can be set to Enabled or Disabled.
vSurveillance Time Interval
Can be set to any number from 1 to 255 minutes.
vSurveillance Delay
Can be set to any number from 0 to 255 minutes.
Surveillance time interval and surveillance delay can only be changed after surveillance is enabled.
Refer to ªService Processor System Monitoring - Surveillanceº on page 65 for more information about surveillance.
vReset Service Processor
Allows the user to reinitialize the service processor.
vReprogram Service Processor Flash EPROM This is an automatic process.
Serial Port Snoop Setup Menu
This menu can be used to setup Serial Port Snooping, in which the user can configure serial port 1 as a
From the main Service Processor menu, select option 1, Service Processor setup, then select option 8 (Serial Port Snoop Setup Menu).
1.System reset string: Currently Unassigned
2.Snoop Serial Port: Currently Unassigned
98. Return to Previous Menu
Use the system reset string option to enter the system reset string, which resets the machine when it is detected on the main console on Serial Port 1.
Chapter 3. Using the Service Processor 47