Chapter 5 Using the Command-Line Interface 81
The following table lists the possible action tags and their allowed values:
The following rule tells the appliance to never cache FTP documents
requested from the IP address
The following rule tells the appliance to keep in the cache for 12 hours
documents whose URL addresses contain the regular expression
politics and whose the paths contain the prefix /viewpoint.
Deleting cache rules
1Select the config menu, and press Enter.
2Select cache, and press Enter.
3Select rules, and press Enter.
4Select delete rules, and press Enter. Doing so displays a list of the current
rules. If no rules exits, a message appears at the bottom of the screen
indicating such.
5Use the arrow keys to position the cursor over the rule you want to delete and
press Enter.
6Press CTRL-X to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
Action Value
action never-cache
pin-in-cache Enter the amount of time you want to keep the
object(s) in the cache. Use the following time
h for hours, e.g. 10h
m for minutes, e.g. 5m
s for seconds, e.g. 20s
mixed units, e.g. 1h15m20s
revalidate Enter the amount of time you want to consider
the object(s) fresh. Use the same time formats
that are shown in pin-in-cache.
dest_ip= scheme=ftp action=never-cache
url_regex=politics prefix=/viewpoint pin-in-cache=12h