11Use the arrow keys to highlight timezone and press the Enter key. Pressing the Enter key causes a scrollable list of available timzones to appear. Here is a partial list:
United States Central
United States Mountain
United States Pacific
12Use the arrow keys to scroll through the available zones and highlight the appropriate zone for your area. After highlighting the applicable zone, press the Enter key. Next, press any key to save your selection and return to the previous screen as follows:
network | Configure Network |
timezone | Configure Time Zone |
Configure Date and Time | |
view | View Settings |
Note In order for the timezone change to become effective, the appliance must be rebooted. A reboot operation occurs later during the initial setup.
13Use the arrow keys to highlight time and press the Enter key. Pressing the Enter key causes the following fields to appear:
Enable(1)/Disable(0) Daylight Savings Time__
Currently Inside (1)/Outside(0) Daylight Savings Time__
Enter | Time | [HH:MM:SS] | __:__:__ |
Enter | Date | [MM/DD/YYYY] | __/__/__ |
14Set your Daylight Savings Time options. Then enter the time using a
network | Configure Network |
timezone | Configure Time Zone |
time | Configure Date and Time |
View Settings |
15From this menu you can select view to verify the network and time information you have entered. After you are sure all the information you have entered is correct, press the
setup | Initial Intel Cache Setup |
Install Intel Cache | |
commit | Commit Setup Changes |
16From the main screen, highlight install and press the Enter key. Selecting install causes the settings to be written to the boot image. During the
10Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide