Who should read this manual
This manual is intended for system administrators who configure, run, and administer Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance systems. Consequently, the information in the manual was written with the assumption that the reader has experience in Web server administration and configuring TCP/IP networking.
Conventions used in this manual
This manual uses the following conventions.
Convention | Purpose |
italics | Represent emphasis and introduce terms, for example, |
| “the management cluster.” |
bold | Represents graphical user interface options and menu |
| names, for example, “Reset” |
monospaced | Represents commands, file names, file content, computer |
font | input, and output, for example, “use the reconfigure |
| command.” |
monospaced | Represents commands that you should enter literally, for |
bold | example, type reboot. |
monospaced | Represents variables for which you should substitute a |
italic | value, for example, “enter a filename.” |
brackets [ ] | Represent optional command arguments in command |
| syntax, for example, add pathname [size] |
xiiIntel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide