Konica Minolta 7013 03Box NameUpper Konica America, 03Sub-Address No 123456, 03Password 135*7#9

Models: 7013

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Advanced features


Use the numeric keypad to enter the 4-digit I.D. code (not the ITU-Tsub-


address and not the ITU-Tpassword) and then press ENTER.


Note: If you enter an invalid I.D. code, the fax machine rejects the attempt



and aborts this operation.




The machine is now asking you to name this F-Code box. The LCD shows:



03:Box Name;Upper


03:Box Name;Upper




Konica America_







If you do not want to enter or change this F-Code box’s name, skip to step 9.


If you do want to enter or change this F-Code box’s name, go on to step 8.


Enter the name by using the one-touch keys. (If necessary, review “Entering


characters”, page 1.12) An F-Code box’s name can be up to 16 characters in






Press ENTER to save the box’s name and continue. The LCD shows:



03:Sub-Address No.


03:Sub-Address No.










The fax machine now asks for this F-Code box’s sub-address. This is the numerical identifier you must enter in order to communicate with any remote F-Code compatible fax.

If you do not want to change an existing sub-address, skip to step 11.

10 Use the numeric keypad to enter the sub-address to identify this F-Code box. The sub-address can be up to 20 characters in length and include any combination of numbers and the * and # characters (but no other non- numeric characters).

03:Sub-Address No. 654321_

Note: No other F-Code box in this machine can have the same sub-address as the one you enter here.

11 Press ENTER to save the sub-address.

Note: If you entered a sub-address already being used by another F-Code box, the machine beeps and briefly displays:

03:Sub-Address No. Sub-Address In Use

The machine now returns you to step 10. Please enter a different number for your F-Code box’s sub-address.


Next, the machine asks for your F-Code box’s password. This is the password


for ITU-T-compatible F-Code fax transactions. The LCD shows:





















Note: You don’t need to have a password for the F-Code box. However, using



a password will make your F-Code communication much more secure.


If you do not want to enter or change this box’s password, skip to step 14.


Use the numeric keypad to enter this box’s ITU-T-compatible password. This


password can be up to 20 characters in length and include any combination of


numbers and the * and # characters (but no other non-numerical characters).


Here, we’ve entered 135*7#9.































Note: You cannot change the type of an existing F-Code box. If you’re modi-



fying an existing F-Code box and want to change the box type, you



first must erase the old box, then create a new one.

14 Press ENTER to save the password. The LCD now shows:



Box Type :Bulletin


















The fax machine is asking which box type you want to assign to this box —


bulletin, security or relay.




Press or until the type of box you want appears.


Press ENTER.






If you chose Bulletin, go on to step 16.



If you chose Security, skip to step 17.

If you chose Relay, skip to step 20.

If you chose Bulletin:

16 The bulletin box has four additional settings:

Reception protection (“Rx Protect” on the LCD)

Automatic printing of received documents (“Auto Print”)

Overwriting documents (“Overwrite Doc.”)

Erasure of transmitted documents (“Erase Tx Doc.”)


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Konica Minolta 7013 manual 03Box NameUpper Konica America, 03Sub-Address No 123456, 03Sub-Address No. Sub-Address In Use