Konica Minolta 7013 manual Reviewing or cancelling commands, C015552009 Cancel, No Command

Models: 7013

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3 Press REDIAL/PAUSE. The LCD will show:

View Redial History 0:1234567890

4 Your machine can remember the last 10 dial numbers. Press or until the dial number you want to redial appears.

5 When you hear fax tones from the remote unit, press START.

To redial a voice call manually using the telephone which is connected to your fax machine:

1 Lift the telephone’s handset to get a dial tone.

2 Press REDIAL/PAUSE. The LCD will show:

View Redial History 0:1234567890

3 Your machine can memory the latest 10 dial numbers. Press or until the dial number you want to redial appears.

4 Press START.

When the other person answers, use the telephone’s handset to speak to that person.

Basic operation

Reviewing or cancelling commands

Your fax machine can store many “jobs” in its memory. And it keeps track of each one by assigning it a command number, like “C01.”

Delayed commands, redial attempts and current fax transmissions are all stored in your fax machine’s memory and given a command number. Your machine can store up to 99 delayed commands. It identifies each by a two-digit command number rang- ing from 01 to 99.

The Review Commands function gives you the power to check on each job (or command) in your machine’s memory. It also lets you cancel a command if you decide not to send the document.

To see your machine’s stored commands or to cancel them:

1 Press COMM. CANCEL/CONFIRM. The LCD will show:


// /Cancel

The LCD shows the first command, indicated by its command number and the phone number it will dial.

If your machine is attempting to perform a command now, it appears on the display.

Note: If you do not have any stored commands in your machine, the LCD will show:

No Command

Press STOP to return to the standby mode.

Or, if you want to see the result of the fax transaction, press COMM. CANCEL/CONFIRM. (See “View the result of fax transaction” on page 2.9.)

Here, you see command 01, followed by the number it’s set to dial. If the com- mand is to send a broadcast, “Broadcast” appears instead of the phone number. (See “Broadcasting,” page 3.9.)

If the command is to send a batch transmission, the LCD shows its batch box number (such as “B01”) rather than the command number. (See “Batch trans- mission,” pages 3.11–3.13.)

If the command is for a Call group dialing, the group number (such as “G01”) appears instead of the phone number. (See “Call group dialing,” page 3.7.)

2 Press or to scroll through currently stored commands.


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Konica Minolta 7013 manual Reviewing or cancelling commands, C015552009 Cancel, No Command