Konica Minolta 7013 manual 03F-Code Document File No, 03Select F-Code Box No Document Stored

Models: 7013

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Advanced features

3 Press ENTER. The LCD shows:

03:F-Code Document

Enter I.D. Code:****

4 Use the numeric keypad to enter your F-Code box’s four-digit I.D. code. Here we’ve entered 2345:

03:F-Code Document

Enter I.D. Code:2345


Press ENTER.





If you’ve entered an incorrect I.D. code, your fax machine rejects the attempt


and aborts this operation.





If you’ve entered the correct I.D. code, the display shows:






03:F-Code Document




File No.








Use the numeric keypad to enter the file number (1-30) of the document you


want to print. Here we’ve entered 3.







03:F-Code Document




File No.









Note: If you want to print all documents stored in the bulletin box, simply



enter 0 (zero).





Press ENTER.





Your fax machine prints the chosen document(s), then returns to standby







Note: If the F-Code box is not storing any documents, the machine briefly



displays the following before returning to standby mode:










03:Select F-Code Box





No Document Stored









Erasing a document stored in a bulletin box

To erase a stored document:

1 Press Program key, D, 2, 0, 2, ENTER The LCD shows:

Select F-Code Box 01:Konica

2 Use the numeric keypad to enter the two-digit number (01-50) of the F-Code bulletin box that stores the document you want to erase. We’ve entered 03:

Select F-Code Box 03:Konica America

3 Press ENTER. The LCD shows:



03:F-Code Document




Enter I.D. Code:****







Note: If the F-Code box is not storing any documents, the machine briefly



displays the following before returning to step 2:









Select F-Code Box





No Document Stored






Use the numeric keypad to enter your F-Code box’s four-digit I.D. code.


Here we’ve entered 2345:











03:F-Code Document





Enter I.D. Code:2345










Press ENTER.





If you’ve entered an incorrect I.D. code, your fax machine rejects the attempt


and aborts this operation.





If you’ve entered the correct I.D. code, the display shows:








03:F-Code Document





File No.










Use the numeric keypad to enter the file number (1-30) of the document you


want to erase. Here we’ve entered 3.









03:F-Code Document





File No.











Note: If you want to erase all documents stored in the bulletin box, enter 0 (zero).


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Konica Minolta 7013 manual 03F-Code Document File No, 03Select F-Code Box No Document Stored, Select F-Code Box 01Konica