Konica Minolta 7013 Enter Fax Number Select BlockJunk No 01555-2971, Enter Fax Number 01555-3038

Models: 7013

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Advanced features

4 Depending on if you have already entered at least one number into the blocked numbers list, the LCD shows one of the following:



Enter Fax Number


Select BlockJunk No.










If you want to modify an existing entry in the blocked numbers list, press


or until you see the number you want to modify.

… or …

If you want to enter a new number in an already-started blocked numbers list, press or until you find an empty position in the list.


Then press ENTER to enter or modify the blocked number.


Note: To clear a number from the list, see “Clearing a number from the



blocked numbers list,” right column.


Use the numeric keypad to enter the last eight characters of a fax number you


want to block. For example, if you want to block a fax from someone with a


Subscriber ID of 972-555-3038,you should enter 5, 5, 5, DIALING OPTIONS, 3, 0,


3, 8:








Enter Fax Number











To change a specific digit, press to move left or to move right until the


cursor is under the digit, then use the numeric keypad to enter the correct




Press ENTER to save the setting. The LCD shows the next “slot” in the blocked


numbers list.


If you do not want to enter or change a number for this slot, go on to step 8.


If you do want to enter or change a number for this slot, repeat steps 5–7.

8 Press STOP. Your machine will return to standby mode.

Clearing a number from the blocked numbers list

To clear a number from the list:

1 Press Program key, B, 2, 1, 0, ENTER.

If your Block Junk Fax setting is either Mode2 or Mode3, skip to step 3.

Block Junk Fax:Off / /Enter




until you see your preference, Mode2 or Mode3.



Block Junk Fax:Mode2






/ /Enter






Press ENTER. The LCD shows:



Select BlockJunk No.














until you see the number you want to clear.


Press CANCEL to clear the number.


To clear another number from the blocked numbers list, repeat steps 4–5.


Otherwise, go on to step 6.


Press STOP to return your machine to standby mode.

Printing a list of the blocked numbers

Forgot which number is stored in the blocked number list? Just print a list of the blocked numbers.

To print a list of the blocked numbers, press Program key, E, 1, 1, 0, ENTER.


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Konica Minolta 7013 manual Enter Fax Number Select BlockJunk No 01555-2971, Enter Fax Number 01555-3038