Reported Event
Corrective Action
Spare Check
Spare check started on | Result of settings or user action. Normal. |
the given spare drive |
Spare check completed | Normal. |
successfully on the given |
spare drive |
(Spare Check Events)
Reported Event | Corrective Action |
Spare Drives |
Physical disk assigned as | Result of settings or user action. Normal. |
global spare |
Physical disk is no longer | Result of settings or user action. Normal. |
assigned as global spare |
Global Spare has been | Result of settings or user action. Normal. |
deleted |
Physical disk assigned as | Result of settings or user action. Normal. |
dedicated spare |
Physical disk is no longer | Result of settings or user action. Normal. |
assigned as dedicated |
spare |
Dedicated Spare has | Result of settings or user action. Normal. |
been deleted |
(Spare Drives Events)
Reported Event
Corrective Action
SMART error is received
A disk drive reported a SMART error. If this message appears repeatedly, replace the disk drive.
(SMART Events)