Reported Event | Corrective Action |
Synchronization |
Synchronization is started | Result of settings or user action. Normal. |
Synchronization is | Normal. |
completed |
Synchronization is | Synchronization paused because of user |
paused | intervention, schedule or higher priority background |
| activity. |
Synchronization is | Synchronization has resumed again after a pause or |
resumed | a reboot. |
Synchronization is | Synchronization stopped because of user |
stopped | intervention, schedule or the logical drive was |
| deleted or went critical or offline. |
Synchronization is | System resources are low. Reduce system load or |
aborted due to an internal | restart the Astra ES. |
error. |
Synchronization is | Synchronization is already running on another logical |
queued | drive in the same array. |
Synchronization is | Synchronization stopped because the disk array was |
stopped internally | deleted or removed. |
(Synchronization Events)
Reported Event
Corrective Action
System (Astra ES)
The system is started | The Astra ES has been started. |
The system is stopped | The Astra ES was shut down. |
(System Events)