•Press #to skip the greeting and record a message immediately.
1To record or alter your greeting at any time, from the main Voice Mail menu, press 3to change your greeting.
2Press 1to play, press 2to record or
3Record your greeting and press #when you have finished.
4Press **to return to the main menu.
Advanced Voice Mail Features
Multiple Greetings
Nextel Voice Mail service allows you to have up to five different greetings. You can designate which greeting will be your active greeting at any given time. For example, instead of your regular greeting, you may wish to activate a different greeting for days when you are out of the office or on vacation.
The greeting that was recorded during your initial Voice Mail box setup is Greeting 1. This is your default active greeting.
Recording Additional Greetings
1From the main Voice Mail menu, press 3to access the Greetings menu.
2Press 4to modify greetings.
3Enter the greeting number you wish to create or modify.
4Press 2to record a greeting.
5Record your greeting and press #when you have finished.
6Press **to return to the main menu.