Installing the Operating System with Express Setup 5-55


The following explains general notes on HostRAID: <SCSI HostRAID>

„Only a hard disk drive can be connected to a channel with which HostRAID is enabled through SCSI BIOS.

„To connect a device other than a hard disk drive, disable HostRAID and use it as the standard SCSI.

„If you replace a hard disk drive being used with HostRAID, let 60 seconds or more pass after removing the hard disk drive, and then install a new hard disk drive.

„If the interval is too short, an unexpected event may occur. (You should install a new hard disk drive after confirming the removal of the old hard disk drive on the ASMBE or ASM window.)

„After rebuilding by using hot spare, do the rebuilding again to make the installation positions of hard disk drives and the configuration of an array using the disks same as those before the configuration of the array. Without the operation, the boot priority may be changed. The priority can be changed by the SCSISelect Utility.

„The timeout message below may be recorded into the event log if I/O operation is delayed while HostRAID is running with a high load applied. However, HostRAID internal processing retries the I/O processing, and the delay does not influence AP and system operations.

Event source: a320raid.sys

Event ID: 9

Description: The device \Device\Scsi\a320raid* did not respond within timeout period. (*: Arbitrary)

„When Hot Spare Rebuild is performed, please perform Rebuild again to become the original hard disk drive mounting position and the same position. If this work is not done, a boot priority may change. A boot priority can be changed in BIOS.

<Common NOTES>

„In addition to driver installation, ASMBE or ASM installation is mandatory for using HostRAID functions. For the installation of ASMBE or ASM, refer to the "Adaptec Storage Manager - Browser Edition User's Guide" or "Adaptec Storage Manager," respectively.

„HostRAID does not permit the use of the standby/hibernation mode of ACPI functions.

„Use ASMBE or ASM to maintain HostRAID, but do not use any other utilities.

„Create at least one OS partition in the array you have created. If the OS partition does not exist, the Verify may be executed for the array at the system boot.

„If the following messages are included in the application log or log generated by the ASMBE, your RAID system operates normally.

Spare test failed for pool spare (bus=%2, ch=%3, id=%4)

Test of all spares completed with %1 failures