Chapter 1: Getting Started | 29
GS716Tv2 and GS724Tv3 Software Administration Manual
Interface Naming Convention
The switch supports physical and logical interfaces. Interfaces are identified by their type and
the interface number. The physical ports are gigabit interfaces and are numbered on the front
panel. You configure the logical interfaces by using the software. The following table
describes the naming convention for all interfaces available on the switch.
Interface Description Example
Physical The physical ports are gigabit Ethernet interfaces and
are numbered sequentially starting from one.
g1, g2, g3
Link Aggregation Group (LAG) LAG interfaces are logical interfaces that are only
used for bridging functions.
l1, l2, l3
CPU Management Interface This is the internal switch interface responsible for the
switch base MAC address. This interface is not
configurable and is always listed in the MAC Address