Thank you for your purchase of a Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 4000 ED (4000 ED) or COOLSCAN IV ED film scanner. This manual describes how to care for, install, and use your scanner. Be sure that you have read and understood its contents before using your scanner, and leave it where those who use the scanner will read it.
To make it easier to find the information you need, the following symbols and conventions are used:
This icon marks cautions, information that you should read before using your Nikon scanner to prevent damage to the device.
This icon marks notes, information that you should read before using your Nikon scanner.
This icon marks tips, additional information you may find helpful when using your Nikon scanner.
This icon indicates that more information is available elsewhere in this manual or in other documentation.
This symbol indicates that the icon is to the 4000 ED/COOLSCAN IV ED User’s Manual (this manual).
This symbol indicates that the icon is to the Nikon Scan 3 Software manual (on CD).
The majority of illustrations in this manual are taken from Windows XP Home Edition or Windows XP Professional (hereafter, “Windows XP”). Illustrations from Mac OS are used together with Windows illus- trations where operations in the two operating systems differ.
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