If the Film Jams Inside the Adapter
If film jams inside the adapter, the following error message will be displayed:
Click OK to release the adapter locking mechanism. When the status LED to stop blinking, remove the adapter from the scanner, taking care to ensure that any film that may be protrud- ing from the rear of the adapter does not come into contact with the scanner’s internal parts. Remove the film from the adapter as described in the following section.
If the above error occurs when no film is inserted in the scanner, it may indicate that the adapter requires cleaning. Clean the adapter as described under “Maintenance: Caring for Adapters.”
SA-21 Locking Mechanism

When not inserted in the scanner, the
Releasing the film adapter’s lock mechanism following the instructions in the error message makes it possible to remove the adapter from the scanner. Note, however, that film may be protruding from the rear of the adapter; when removing the adapter, take care that the film does not catch on the scanner’s internal parts.
Do not reinsert the adapter immediately after removing it from the adapter slot, as this could result in damage to any film that may be protruding from the rear of the adapter.