Chapter 1
Introduction to Attendant Console
Business Communications Manager Attendant Console is an application that provides centralized call management and call activity reporting capability to a business. Attendant Console runs on one or more Pentium® class personal computers (PCs).
You can customize the way Attendant Console is set up to suit your company’s call management requirements. A telephone attendant uses a graphical user interface to:
•originate calls
•answer and manage multiple calls
•view a company’s name before answering a call
•record, add and change caller information for future use
•quickly access information about a caller
•transfer calls to employees or their voice message mailbox
•send the caller’s name to the employee’s telephone display
•park calls and page employees
•view information in a Directory about your company’s employees such as their extension number, person status and telephone status
•create and print reports showing how incoming calls are handled
•view the status of extensions in the company’s Attendant Console system
Components of the Attendant Console
Attendant Console is a client/Business Communications Manager base unit software application that consists of three interrelated components:
•Server component
•Client component
•Reports component
Server component
The Server component communicates with your Business Communications Manager base unit initiating telephone functions such as transferring calls, placing calls on hold and parking calls.
The Server component communicates with one or more Client components. A Client component is on a PC connected via a Local Area Network (LAN).
The Server component receives:
•notification of incoming calls
•information about telephones attached to the Business Communications Manager base unit
Attendant Console User Guide