Configuring the HeartStart XLT
M3500B HeartStart XLT Defibrillator/Monitor 10-11
Table 10-2 AED Settings:
Parameter Description Setting
$('6KRFN6HULHV Defines the maximum number of shocks to
deliver before prompting &KHFN3DWLHQW&KHFN
2, 3, 4
6KRFN6HULHV7LPHU Defines the number of seconds that must pass
before the next shock is considered the first
shock of a new shock series, rather than the
next shock of the current shock series.
30, 60, 90,
120, 150, 180,
210, Off
Initiates ECG analysis when the HeartStart
XLT is turned on in AED Mode. On, Off
Initiates ECG analysis in between shocks
within a shock series. On, Off
5K\WKP0RQLWRULQJ Monitors the ECG for potentially shockable
rhythms when the HeartStart XLT is not ana-
lyzing, defibrillating, or paused.
On, Off
Defines how often (in seconds) the &KHFN
3DWLHQ W prompt is repeated when Rhythm Mon-
itoring detects a potentially shockable rhyt hm.
30, 45, 60, 90,
(XURSHDQ3URWRFRO Modifies Pause state prompts and replaces the
Pause Timer with either the Post Shock CPR
Timer or the "NSA" Timer, depending on the
event preceding the Pause state.
If (XURSHDQSURWRFRO is set to On, the following two configuration choices appear:
Defines the duration of the Pause time (in sec-
onds) when is pressed and the time
since the last shock is less than or equal to the
6KRFN6HULHV7LPHU setting - typically at the com-
pletion of a shock series.
30, 60, 120,