M3500B HeartStart XLT Defibrillator/Monitor 9-1
9 Storing, Retrieving & Printing
This chapter describes how the HeartStart XLT creates a patient record, called
an Event Summary, for later retrieval and printing. It cov er s how to mark
events for storage in the Event Summary, as well as how to p rint individual
events as they occur.
The HeartStart XLT automatically creates an Event Summary for each patient.
The Event Summary is stored in the HeartStart XLT’s internal memory and on
a Data Card (if one is used).
The internal Event Summary stores up to 300 pieces of critical information,
called events, and 50 ECG strips (11 seconds each). Events include things
such as charging, shocks, and alarm violations. In addition, you trigger an
event each time you press or .
Storage on a Data Card is limited only by available space on the card. In addi-
tion to storing all of the events that occur, a continuous copy of the displayed
ECG and Patient Contact Impedance is also stored.
You can print the internal Event Summary at any time. You can also configure
the HeartStart XLT to print individual events automatical ly as they occur and,
of course, you can activate printing of individual events and patient informa-
tion, at any time, by pressing .
To print the Event Summary stored on the Data Card, the info rmation must
first be downloaded to the HeartStart Event Re view Data Management
system. Refer to the HeartStart Event Review Ins t ructions for Use for instruc-