Nosozliklarni bartaraf qilish va axborot kodi








Tok ulangan zahoti pech

Eshigi yaxshi yopilmagan.

Eshikni yopib, tekshirib ko‘ring.

ishlab ketadi.






Pechga tekkanda tok

Vilka yoki rozetka tegishlicha yerga

Vilka va rozetka tegishlicha yerga



ulanganiga ishonch hosil qiling.






Suv tomchilamoqda.

Taomga qarab, ba’zi hollarda suv

Pechni sovitib, keyin quruq idish sochig‘i


Eshik tirqishidan bug‘

yoki bug‘ chiqishi mumkin. Bu pech

bilan arting.



nosozligi emas.


3.Pechda suv qolmoqda.

Pech ichidagi yorqinlik

Funksiyasiga qarab, chiqarilgan

Pishirish paytida chiqarilgan quvvat


quvvat o‘zgargani sayin yorqinlik

o‘zgarishi nosozlik emas. Bu pech nosozligi


ham o‘zgaradi.





Pishirish tugallandi, lekin

Pech havosini almashtirish uchun

Bu pech nosozligi emas.

sovitish ventilyatori

pishirish tugaganidan so‘ng 3


haliyam ishlayapti.

daqiqacha ventilyator ishlab turadi.


Nosozliklarni bartaraf qilish va axborot kodi

















Aylanuvchi patnis








Aylanayotganida patnis

Rolikli taglik yo‘q yoki joyiga to‘g‘ri

Rolikli taglikni o‘rnatib, qayta urinib ko‘ring.


o‘rnidan chiqib ketadi yoki




aylanishdan to‘xtaydi.








Aylanuvchi patnis to‘xtab-

Rolikli taglik joyida emas, taom

Taom miqdorini o‘zgartiring va o‘ta katta


to‘xtab aylanadi.

haddan tashqari ko‘p yoki idish

idish ishlatmang.



juda katta, pech devoriga tegib











Aylanuvchi patnis

Pech tagiga ovqat qoldig‘i tiqilib

Pech tagiga yopishib qolgan ovqat


aylanayotganida taraqlaydi,


qoldiqlarini olib tashlang.


shovqin chiqaradi.
















Ishlash paytida tutun

Pechni birinchi marta

Bu nosozlik emas, pechni 2-3 marta



ishlatganingizda isitish

ishlatganda yo‘qolishi kerak.



elementlaridan tutun chiqishi












Isitish elementlariga ovqat to‘kilgan.

Pech sovishini kuting va isitish




elementlaridan taomni olib tashlang.







Taom grilga o‘ta yaqin qo‘yilgan.

Taomni tayyorlash paytida ozgina




uzoqroqqa qo‘ying.







Taom to‘g‘ri tayyorlanmagan yoki

Taom to‘g‘ri tayyorlangan va tartiblanganiga




ishonch hosil qiling.










44  O'zbek

MG23K3573AS_BW_DE68-04403R-02_RU+UK+KK+UZ.indb 44

2017-02-01 ￿￿ 2:12:29

Page 188
Image 188
Samsung MG23K3573AK/BW Vilka va rozetka tegishlicha yerga, Bilan arting, Turlicha, Ham o‘zgaradi Emas, To‘xtab aylanadi

MG23K3573AS/BW, MG23K3573AK/BW specifications

The Samsung MG23K3573AK/BW and MG23K3573AS/BW are advanced microwave ovens that combine cutting-edge technology with innovative features to enhance cooking efficiency and experience. These models are particularly designed for those who appreciate versatility and modern design in their kitchen appliances.

One of the standout features of these Samsung microwaves is the Ceramic Enamel interior, which provides a smooth surface that's easy to clean and resists scratches and stains. This not only helps maintain the oven's appearance over time but also prevents the accumulation of bacteria, ensuring a more hygienic environment for food preparation.

Both models come equipped with Samsung's Smart Sensor technology, which automatically adjusts cooking time and power levels based on the moisture emitted from the food. This innovative feature guarantees perfectly cooked dishes without the guesswork, allowing users to prepare a variety of meals with confidence.

The sleek design of the MG23K3573AK/BW and MG23K3573AS/BW boasts a stylish black or silver finish that fits effortlessly into any contemporary kitchen. The minimalist aesthetic is complemented by a streamlined control panel, making it user-friendly and intuitively easy to operate.

In terms of performance, these microwaves offer a powerful cooking capability with a maximum power of 800 watts. The combination of multiple power levels allows for precise cooking, grilling, and reheating, catering to a wide array of culinary tasks. Additionally, their 23-liter capacity provides ample cooking space, making it suitable for family meals or larger dishes.

The grill function in these microwave models allows for the browning and crisping of food, giving a delicious, oven-like finish to meals. This is ideal for grilling chicken, toasting bread, or preparing a variety of other dishes that benefit from a crispy texture.

Furthermore, users will appreciate the eco mode that reduces energy consumption when the microwave is not in use, making these models not only efficient but also environmentally friendly.

In summary, the Samsung MG23K3573AK/BW and MG23K3573AS/BW represent a perfect blend of style, functionality, and innovation. With advanced features such as Ceramic Enamel interior, Smart Sensor technology, powerful cooking performance, and an elegant design, these microwaves are an excellent addition to any kitchen, making cooking quicker, easier, and more enjoyable.