Pechdan foydalanish

Pechdan foydalanish

Mikroto'lqinlar va grildan birgalikda foydalanish

Taomni tezda tayyorlash va uni qizartirish uchun siz taom tayyorlashda mikroto'lqinlar va grildan birgalikda foydalanishingiz ham mumkin.


DOIMO mikroto'lqinli pechda ham, oddiy isitish shkafida ham foydalanish mumkin bo'lgan anjomlardan foydalaning. Buning uchun shisha va sopol idishlar juda bop hisoblanadi, chunki ular mikroto'lqinlarning taomga bir tekis kirishiga imkon beradi.


DOIMO pechdagi idishlarni qo‘lqop bilan ushlang, chunki ular qizigan bo'ladi. Agar yuqori tokchadan foydalansangiz, yaxshiroq tayyorlanadi.

Eshikni oching. Mahsulotlarni o'zingiz tayyorlamoqchi bo'lgan taom turiga yaxshiroq darajada mos bo'lgan taglikka joylashtiring. Taglikni aylanuvchi patnisga qo‘ying. Eshikchani yoping.

1. СВЧ+Гриль (Kombi) tugmasini bosing.


Displeyda quyidagi ma'lumotlar namoyish






(mikroto'lqin va grildan birgalikda



foydalanish rejimi)


600 Vt

(ishlab chiqilayotgan quvvat)

2.Doiraviy shkalani buragan holda kerakli quvvat darajasini

Gril+30s xususiyatlaridan foydalanish

+30 СЕК Гриль (Gril+30s) funksiyasi bir marta bosganda Аэрогриль (Issiq to‘lqinli gril) rejimini 30 soniyaga uzaytiradi, shunda o‘tkazib yubormagan holda qizartirib olasiz.

Аэрогриль (Issiq to‘lqinli gril) rejimida tayyorlash vaqtini uzaytirish uchun +30 СЕК Гриль (Gril+30s) tugmasini har gal bosganingizda 30 soniya qo‘shiladi.

Masalan, Аэрогриль (Issiq to‘lqinli gril) rejimiga uch daqiqa qo‘shish uchun +30 СЕК Гриль (Gril+30s) tugmasini olti marta bosing.

Issiq to‘lqinli gril ishlab turganida ventilyatorning yonish/o‘chish ovozi chiqadi, bu normal holat.

Agar pastki taglikdan foydalansangiz, yaxshiroq tayyorlangan va grillangan taomni olasiz.


Doimo pechdagi idishlarni qo‘lqop bilan ushlang, chunki ular qizigan bo'ladi.

Taomni pechga joylashtiring.

+30 СЕК Гриль (Gril+30s) tugmasini bosing.

Natija: Grilda tayyorlash boshlanadi.

1) Pech 4 marta tovushli signal beradi.

2) Yakunlanganini eslatish signali (bir daqiqa intervali bilan) 3 marta beriladi.

3) Displeyda yana joriy vaqt ko‘rsatiladi.


tanlang. (600 Vt, 450 Vt, 300 Vt.) Keyin Tanlash/Soat tugmasini bosing.

• Siz gril haroratini o'rnata olmaysiz.

3.Doiraviy shkalani buragan holda tayyorlash vaqtini


• Tayyorlashning maksimal vaqti 60 daqiqa.


4. СТАРТ/+30 СЕК (START/+30s) tugmasini bosing.





• Birgalikdagi rejimda taom tayyorlash boshlanadi.



Pech 4 marta tovushli signal beradi.



Yakunlanganini eslatish signali (bir daqiqa intervali

4bilan) 3 marta beriladi.

3)Displeyda yana joriy vaqt ko‘rsatiladi.

32  O'zbek

MG23K3575AS_BW_DE68-04403T-01_RU+UK+KK+UZ.indb 32

2017-02-01 ￿￿ 2:14:00

Page 176
Image 176
Samsung MG23K3575AK/BW manual Mikrotolqinlar va grildan birgalikda foydalanish, Gril+30s xususiyatlaridan foydalanish

MG23K3575AS/BW, MG23K3575AK/BW specifications

The Samsung MG23K3575AK/BW and MG23K3575AS/BW are microwave ovens that embody advanced cooking technology and innovative design, making them an excellent addition to modern kitchens. With a focus on efficiency, functionality, and aesthetics, these models provide users with an array of features to enhance their cooking experience.

One of the standout features of both models is the ceramic enamel interior. This material is not only easy to clean but also helps to prevent the buildup of odor and bacteria, promoting a hygienic cooking environment. The smooth surface can be effortlessly wiped down, ensuring that maintenance is quick and stress-free.

These microwave ovens are equipped with a powerful 850 watts of cooking power, allowing for quick heating and defrosting of food. The precise power levels ensure that food cooks evenly, providing consistent results with every use. Additionally, both models come with a variety of pre-programmed settings, enabling users to easily select the appropriate function for cooking or reheating different food types.

The Samsung MG23K3575AK/BW and MG23K3575AS/BW feature a user-friendly control panel with a digital display, making it simple to navigate the various cooking modes. The interior light allows for clear visibility while cooking, ensuring that users can monitor their meals without the need to open the door.

Another impressive characteristic of these microwave ovens is the Smart Moisture Sensor technology. This feature detects the humidity levels inside the microwave, adjusting the cooking time and power to ensure optimal cooking results. This is particularly useful for steaming or cooking rice and vegetables, allowing for perfectly tender dishes without the risk of overcooking.

Both models also come with a variety of safety features, including the Child Lock function, which prevents unauthorized access and use of the microwave, making it safer for homes with children.

In terms of design, the sleek finish and compact form factor of the MG23K3575AK/BW and MG23K3575AS/BW allow them to fit seamlessly into any kitchen décor. These microwaves are not just practical; they are also aesthetically pleasing, enhancing the overall look of the kitchen environment.

Overall, the Samsung MG23K3575AK/BW and MG23K3575AS/BW represent a perfect blend of performance, convenience, and style. Suitable for a wide range of cooking tasks, these models make meal preparation quicker and more enjoyable, catering to the needs of busy households while ensuring that meals are delicious and satisfying.