Imaging unit is not

The imaging unit you

Install a Samsung-

compatible. Check

have installed is not

genuine imaging unit,

user’s guide

for your machine.

designed for your




Imaging unit is not

The imaging unit is

Install the imaging unit.

installed. Install it

not installed, or the

If it is already installed,


CRUM (Consumer

try to reinstall the


Replaceable Unit

imaging unit.


Monitor) in the

If the problem persists,


cartridge is not

please call for service.




Imaging unit is

The imaging unit is at

Replace a imaging unit

worn. Replace with

the end of its life.

with a Samsung-

new one

When the imaging unit

genuine imaging unit.


replacement message

(See "Replacing the


appears on the screen

imaging unit" on


and if you select

page 95.)


Continue, this



message displays.


LSU error: [zzz].

There is a problem in

Turn the machine off

Please turn off then

the control of LSU

and turn it on again. If



the problem persists,



please call for service.

Motor does not

There is a problem in

Turn the machine off

operate: [zzz].

the control of motor

and turn it on again. If

Please turn off then


the problem persists,



please call for service.






Original paper does

The lead edge of the

Open the DADF cover

not feed in scanner

document failed to

and remove jammed


actuate the scan

original. (See "Clearing


sensor within the

document jams" on


correct time after

page 98.)


actuating the



registration sensor.


Original paper is too

Oversized document

Open the DADF cover

long for scanner.

or double-feeding of

and remove the

Check size


jammed original. (See



"Clearing document



jams" on page 98.)



Check the document



size whether it is



supported. (See "DADF



document size" on



page 124.)

Original paper jam

The originals are

Open the DADF cover

in front of scanner

jammed in DADF.

and remove the



jammed original. (See



"Clearing document



jams" on page 98.)

Original paper jam

Paper has jammed

Clear the jam. (See

in front of scanner

during duplex printing

"Clearing document

duplex path

in the DADF.

jams" on page 98.)













Original paper jam

The lead edge of the

Open the DADF cover

inside of scanner

document failed to

and remove the


actuate the gate

jammed original. (See


sensor within the

"Clearing document


correct time after

jams" on page 98.)


actuating the scan






When the machine is



on, jammed paper is



detected in the DADF.


Original paper jam

The lead edge of the

Lift up the document

while reversing

document failed to

input tray and remove

paper in scanner

actuate the duplex

the jammed original.


sensor within the

(See "Clearing


correct time when the

document jams" on


document was fed the

page 98.)


wrong way.


Paper jam at exit of

Paper jammed in the

Pull jammed paper


stacker exit part.

from the stacker exit.

Paper Jam at the

Paper has jammed

Clear the jam. (See "In

bottom of duplex

during duplex printing.

the duplex unit area" on



page 104.)




Paper Jam at the top



of duplex path



Paper Jam in exit

Paper has jammed in

Clear the jam. (See "In


the fuser area.

the fuser area or



around the toner



cartridge" on



page 104.)

Paper jam in front of

Paper jammed in the

Open the stacker door



and remove jammed



paper by lowering

Paper jam inside


guide 1a or 1b.




Paper Jam in MP

Paper Misfed from

Clear the jam. (See "In


multi-purpose tray

the multi-purpose



tray" on page 103.)

Paper Jam in tray 1

Paper misfed from

Clear the jam. (See "In



the tray 1" on page 100


Paper Jam in tray 2

Or paper has jammed

and see "In the optional


in the tray feed area.

tray" on page 101 and

Paper Jam in tray 2

Or the tray cover is

see "In the optional



high capacity



feeder" on page 102)

Paper Jam in tray 3






Paper Jam in tray 3






Paper Jam in tray 4






Paper jam inside

Paper jammed in the

Open the stacker door

finisher’s duplex


and remove jammed



paper by lowering



guide 1a or 1b.




Troubleshooting_ 107

Page 107
Image 107
Samsung SCX-6555N Series Imaging unit is not, Compatible. Check, User’s guide, Installed. Install it, Worn. Replace with