P e c
PE,flug [~’alueor coor(iinate pair ...,~lag]value or coordinate pair:
With this command, there should be no separators between parameters, and the command terminator <;> must be used.
The meanings of and relation between parameters are as given in the following table:
Flag (hex ASCII) | Meaning | |
3A or BA | : | Select pen |
3C or BC | < | Pen up |
3E or BE | > | Fraction |
3D or BD | = | Start PA |
37 or B7 | 7 | Start base 32 |
Next parameter
pen number, encoded as base 64 or 32 coordinates of point to move to, encoded as base 64 or 32
number of fraction bits contained in coordinate, encoded as base 64 or 32 coordinates
Pen number specifies the pen to be used: Oor I (see SP)
Number of fraction bits: from
When there are no parameters, this command ‘updates’ the
When there are parameters, it draws lines by sending a shorter string of data than other commands, since all parameters other than flags are encoded. In the polygon mode, the coordinates are stored in the polygon buffer.
The encoding uses base 64 if not otherwise specified by flag =7.
P r c
PR [d.rl, d?l, dx2, dv2, .... d.w, dvn ;]
This command establishes relative plotting and moves the pen to specified points, with each move relative to the current pen location.