Standardfont definition command
SD kind. ~’alue[, kind, iwlue, ... ;]
This command defines (but does not select) the standard font by specifying its attributes. The meaning of kind parameter is as follows:
Kind | Attribute | Default |
I | Symbol set | 21 (ASCII) |
2 | Spacing | O(monospaced) |
3 | Pitch | 9 cpi |
4 | Height | 1I.5 point |
5 | Style | O(upright) |
6 | Weight | O(medium) |
7 | Typeface | 48 (stick) |
The tvdue parameter defines the characteristics of the characteristic specified by the kina parameter.
Absolute character size command
S1 width, height [;]
This command specifies the size of labeling characters in centimeters.
The default width and height depend on the pitch and size selected with the AD or SD command.
Once this command is given, the width and height of characters do not change when PI and P2 move.
Without parameters, this command selects the size implied by AD or SD. Width specifies the width of characters; negative values imply mirror images about a vertical line.
Height specifies the height of capital M; negative values imply mirror images about a horizontal line.
When using stick fonts, a change of character size will affect the thickness of the line used to draw the characters. When appropriate, the parameters are multiplied by the ratio [size of picture frame]/[plot size]